Date: 1/18/25 11:07 am
From: Rosie Watts <pinyonjay...>
Subject: [AZNMbirds] Bluebirds and more - Fort Lowell Park and neighborhood
Good Morning, Birders!

Bird numbers seem to be picking up a little at Fort Lowell Park -
notably the Western Bluebirds are visible more often, in many parts of the
park. This morning, they were in the small ballfield to the east of the
pond, a dozen or so, sharing the field with about 20 Lark Sparrows.

Wood ducks (2, sometimes 3) usually hanging out in the shady cover
near the south edge of the pond. Great Egret every day, and occasionally
two lately. Black-crowned Night Heron pretty much daily, often perched in
the large mesquites on the north side of the pond. And Green Heron
pretty frequently around the pond edges.

Large numbers of American Wigeon still hanging out, along with
several Ring-necked Ducks (more often seen in the morning than the

We saw 35 or so Brown-headed Cowbirds in the field west of the pond
(near the covered adobe structures). Lost of Lesser Goldfinches near the
parking lot in the evenings (perhaps eating seeds or flower parts from the
large eucalyptus trees there?)

Jim saw a Loggerhead Shrike on top of a cottonwood snag around the
southeast corner of the pond yesterday morning. This morning, I saw one
(presumably same bird?) in the northeast corner of the pecan orchard.
We'd seen one there a few weeks ago as well. A Northern Mockingbird
nearby. And a Northern Flicker in the main part of the orchard this
morning, as well as the usual suspect White-winged Doves, Mourning Doves,
Ladder-backed Woodpeckers, Common Ravens, Yellow-rumped Warblers, and
European Starlings.

Never fail to see Vermilion Flycatchers there, so I usually fail to
mention them. And Black Phoebe most days at the pond.

Phainopeplas, Say's Phoebe (in the field west of the pond), and oddly,
I didn't hear or see a Cooper's Hawk today.

Beautiful day to get out and enjoy the birds!

Rosie Watts
Tucson, Arizona

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