Date: 1/18/25 9:46 am From: Diann Stone via <dstoneak2id...> Subject: Re: [IBLE] Steller's Jay
Steller's Jay is one of my favorite northern forest birds. As you say, they
are vocal and can be quite entertaining to watch. They were frequent
visitors to feeders at my Alaska home surrounded by forest acreage.
Diann Stone
Boise Depot Bench
On Fri, Jan 17, 2025, 9:37 PM lcarrigan_55 via <carriganbw=
<> wrote:
> Well, so far, my best winter bird has been Steller's Jay. It doesn't visit
> my feeder. Based on some other's posts, I've even tried peanuts & the other
> birds just seem to scatter them for the fox squirrels to gather. But, does
> like a windrow of Rocky Mtn Junipers I planted years ago. Maybe going after
> juniper berries??? It's quite vocal, when present & one has been here since
> Nov. Today, kept me entertained while I shoveled snow from decks & drives.
> Brian Carrigan
> Blackfoot