Date: 1/16/25 6:31 pm From: Christopher Hayward via <p_t_nymph...> Subject: [pen-bird] Continuing Summer Tanager and Orioles, Seventh Ave. Park, San Bruno, 1/16/25
Hi All,
This afternoon I visited Seventh Ave. Park in San Bruno, after about 15 minutes the continuing Summer Tanager flew into the large Pepper trees towards the north end of the park.
A short time later I was joined by Summer Lee, we then had to wait about an hour before the Tanager showed up again flying into one of the large bare trees giving us great looks.
While we were waiting to see the Tanager we also had nice looks at both the continuing young male Orchard Oriole and the Bullock's Oriole.
Just as we were getting ready to leave Summer spotted a different Oriole moving around inside one of the Bottlebrush bushes, we never got photos or totally definitive looks but it seemed smallish and quite bright yellow on the underside, possibly a female Orchard Oriole.
Both the Summer Tanager and Orchard Oriole were found on 12/27/24 by Bob Toleno during the San Francisco CBC. The Bullock's Oriole was found by Summer yesterday.
This is a remarkable little pocket park, but if you visit please be respectful of the folks in the nearby homes.
Photos on my ebird checklist, link below.