Date: 1/16/25 11:07 am
From: Peggy Wang <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] Buckeye Lake Thur AM
I went looking for the Greater White-fronted Goose Matt Mason reported this morning but I couldn't pick it out in the mass of Canadas even after they started flying out but I was there a few hours after he was. I did however spot a Cackling Goose--a mallard drake was nearby to help with size comparison. Cackling was much smaller than Canadas & closer to size of mallard, short stubby bill & shorter neck. Then as I was about to leave, 5-6 Trumpeter Swans flew in, trumpeting before a few of them sat on the ice for awhile so it was worth the chilly trip!
Thx, Matt.
Peggy WangGranville


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