Date: 1/15/25 7:24 pm From: Florence Sanchez via <sanchezucsb11...> Subject: [sbcobirding] Birding notes, Jan 15 and 14.
Green-tailed Towhee still present at Carpinteria State Park. This morning under the very scruffy Baccharis shrub at the end of the hedge.
No Wood Ducks at Lake Jocelyn--water level is dropping.
Brown Thrasher showed at about 10:50 a.m. under the Bottlebrush hedge near the corner of La Patera andCathedral Oaks.
Th elusive Eurasian Wigeon was in Lake Los Carneros around 11 a.m. It was swimming toward the dam with a couple of American Wigeons and a Pintail; then separated from them and swam back alone toward the north end of the Lake. (Note to birder I met entering the Park this morning: Sorry I could not find you to show you the duck.)
Yesterday, I had a good look at the continuing Lark Bunting in the horse corrals near Fortune Road, and the Rock Wren was still very much in evidence at the Edible Student Campus Garden. There also was an immature (and noisy) male Bullock's Oriole near the horse corrals. It moved to the tall blooming eucalyptus trees at the west end of Camino Corto open space. The Orchard Oriole found previously did not show.
Florence Sanchez