Date: 1/15/25 6:15 pm
From: Daniel Getman <000002b3a133f539-dmarc-request...>
Subject: Lots of Eagles
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I spent the day at the dam on the Mississippi River at Canton, MO photographing eagles - my 1st time this year. I’d estimate > 100, with the majority on the Illinois side of the river. But there were > 30 on the Missouri side.

It was a perfect sunny day, with temperature in the 18-26F range and light winds from the southwest. Clouds moved in around 2pm.

There were also quite a few Trumpeter Seans flying by overhead, as well as lots of American White Pelicans.

With warmer temps in the 40s and 50s over the next few days, I would suspect the eagles may disperse or spend their time soaring up high. But next week the cold temps will return and should again be excellent eagle viewing.

Photos can be viewed at:

Dan Getman, Kirksville, northeast MO

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