Date: 1/15/25 4:00 pm
From: Sandra Keller <000007a762f332b7-dmarc-request...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] More field birding - sw Ohio

I want this snow to go away. Soon! But
I am taking advantage of it as long as
I have too. More field and road edge
Birding - mainly Clinton and Warren.
Clinton is proving to be more birdy in
This regard! No idea why! Field birds,
Harrier. Nothing new for life, but picked
Up eagle for the year. Clinton stands
At 34 for the year.

I picked up a lot of birds for Warren for
The year. No county life birds. I had
Both house and purple finches at the
Caesar creek visitors center. The feeder
Area. No Siskin though. Finally had
Some Coots at Caesar creek. They are
Always there! I had some at south
Beach. Tree sparrow. Hermit thrush.
Sharpie. Warren is up to 37 for the
Big year.

I do have to bundle up. Pick a sunny
Non windy day. And scope the lake.
I have been lax at that. I am a wimp
In this weather…..

Clinton has some open water. I like that
Gleason quarry area.

I was thinking of driving up for the Says.
But haven’t heard anything whether
It’s still around. Plus it’s a super long
Drive. For me. I’ll think about it again
Next week….

I am up to 81 species for Ohio this
January! Warren and Clinton are
Proving hard! So far.

Good birding all.

Sandra Keller

Sent from my iPhone

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