Date: 1/15/25 8:40 am
From: Sherry Leonardo <0000003f830b5818-dmarc-request...>
Subject: Trumpeter Swans at Longview Lake
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Two Trumpeter Swans were seen near the east shore of the lake from the marina. Scope would be helpful for a good look. Also present were a scattered flock of Common Mergansers, a smaller flock of Hooded Mergansers and a handful of Common Goldeneyes and Pied-billed Grebes. Two bald eagles were seen flying over the area.
Just FYI, marina and shelter 14 are the only 2 areas accessible by vehicle. Only part of marina parking lot is accessible due to some kind of construction project, but what is accessible is cleared pavement. Gate to Mouse Creek boat ramp is locked.

Sherry Leonardo
Grandview, MO

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