Date: 1/15/25 5:13 am
From: Rob Dobbs via <rcdobbs...>
Subject: [labird] White Lake, Lac-Thorn, Sweet-Cam collective CBC summary
The White Lake, Lacassine-Thornwell ("Lac-Thorn"), and Sweet Lake-Cameron
Prairie ("Sweet-Cam") CBC circles are located relatively close together,
are all dominated by rice/crawfish and freshwater marsh, and (as in most
years) the counts themselves occurred within a 6-day period this year
(14-20 Dec). As such, a single, grand summary seems appropriate.

The White Lake CBC produced a total of 148 species, well above the 14-year
average of 142 species, and Lac-Thorn resulted in 154 species, which is
just shy of the 23-year average of 155 species. We had great participation
on both of those counts again this year (about 20 people for each), which
is critical to cover the count circles adequately and provide the most
accurate snapshot of the bird life (and maximize the number of species
found). Sweet-Cam, on the other hand, had only eight participants and, as a
result, we only turned up 130 species (on a count that can surpass 150
species when participation is adequate). It was a great year for rarities
on these counts... White Lake produced VAUX'S SWIFT, COUCH'S KINGBIRD, and
CASSIN'S KINGBIRD; Lac-Thorn produced additional COUCH'S AND CASSIN'S
KINGBIRDS; and Sweet-Cam turned up a male EURASIAN WIGEON (all pending LBRC
review, of course). Additional highlights included Groove-billed Ani (White
Lake), Wilson's Phalarope (White Lake), Horned Grebe (Lac-Thorn),
Swainson's Hawk (both White Lake and Lac-Thorn), Least Flycatcher
(Lac-Thorn), Ash-throated Flycatcher (3 on White Lake, 4 on Sweet-Cam),
Great Kiskadee (White Lake where annual, and Lac-Thorn), Western Kingbird
(6 on White Lake, 1 on Sweet-Cam), Bell's Vireo (White Lake and Lac-Thorn),
Cave Swallow (Sweet-Cam), Grasshopper Sparrow (Sweet-Cam), Harris's Sparrow
(White Lake and Lac-Thorn), Prairie Warbler (Sweet-Cam), and Indigo Bunting
(Sweet-Cam). 105 Fulvous Whistling-Ducks at White Lake and 10 Marbled
Godwits at Lac-Thorn were also noteworthy.

A couple of species jump out as being in good numbers this year, at least
in these three count circles. Vermilion Flycatcher occurred at all-time
high numbers (designated 'high counts') for White Lake (30 birds) and
Lac-Thorn (26 birds), and tied the all-time high count for Sweet-Cam (20
birds). Tyrannids, in general, were in good numbers this year, with the
three counts averaging 6 species each (typical averages range 3-4 species
per count), for a total of 9 species among the three counts this year
(typically 5-7 species collectively). This year's Loggerhead Shrike numbers
are encouraging. There were no 'high count' designations (because shrikes
used to occur in the hundreds (!) on some of these counts, 15-20 years
ago), but shrike numbers were up notably and consistently on all three
counts this year: 27 at White Lake (highest number in 9 years), 33 at
Lac-Thorn (highest in 7 years), and 74 at Sweet-Cam (highest in 8 years).
And Limpkins are still increasing at White Lake (from 25 last year to 53
this year) and Lac-Thorn (from 11 last year to 50 this year), but not at
Sweet-Cam (1 last year, 0 this year).

And a few low-lights... Sharp-shinned Hawk occurred at an all-time low on
both White Lake (0 reported... never previously missed) and Lac-Thorn (1
reported); and only 2 Sharpies were reported on Sweet-Cam. Other notable
low numbers were for Forster's Tern, which was missed on all three counts,
and Red-tailed Hawk, which had all-time low counts on both Lac-Thorn and
Sweet-Cam. There were many other low, or near low, counts that I will not
discuss. Many species simply occur annually (or not) in much, much lower
numbers than when these CBCs started between 14 and 23 years ago. To
explore CBC data trends at the state scale or larger scales, check out
Audubon's impressive CBC Trend Viewer:

I want to extend THANKS to landowners who provided access to their
properties, LDWF's White Lake WCA staff, Lacassine NWR, and ALL
participants who came out to one, two, or all three of these counts: Alexis
Alario, Chuck Battaglia, Ivy Bonin, Charlotte Chehotsky, Randy Frederick,
Andy From, Emma Garcia, Thomas Garcia, Deanna Griggs, Gordon Griggs, Claire
Hanson, Tom Hanson, Lynn Hathaway, Jude Heinen, Andy Hollerman, Lynn
Hollerman, Cheryl Huner, Crystal Johnson, Erik Johnson, Marybeth Lima, Mike
Musumeche, Mac Myers, John Parker, Shelby Richard, Esme Rosen, Michael
Seymour, Mary Tutwiler, David Vander Pluym, Philip Wallace, and Melvin
Weber. I look forward to seeing you all again next December!

Best wishes and Happy New Year.


Note: I'm posting this summary to Labird via personal email, but want to
emphasize the importance of LDWF supporting these efforts!

[image: image.png]

Robert Dobbs

Nongame Ornithologist

Wildlife Diversity Program

Louisiana Dept. Wildlife & Fisheries

200 Dulles Dr., Lafayette, LA 70506

Office: 337-735-8675


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