Date: 1/14/25 12:27 pm From: Brian Bockhahn (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...> Subject: Jan 4 Haw River SP CBC results
Haw River state park, north of Greensboro, Rockingham and Guilford counties
The 5th Haw River Christmas Bird Count was held on a chilly Saturday Jan 4,
2025 with temperatures ranging from 27-39 under mostly clear skies, no
precipitation, light winds.
14 observers in 8 parties tallied 88 species (average 84, high 89, low
78). Most numerous birds were led by 511 White-throated Sparrow, 341
European Starling, 272 Mallard and 266 Canada Goose.
Highlights include several first count birds: Northern Pintail over Haw
River wetlands at dusk, Lesser Scaup at Brooks Lake, Blue-headed Vireo at
the Jessup Tract, Common Yellowthroat in Haw River wetlands not far from a
Lincoln’s Sparrow and a Baltimore Oriole along Benaja Road.
Misses due to coverage gaps include WILD TURKEY (seen 4 of 5 counts),
Common Loon (1 of 5), Double-crested Cormorant (2 of 5), Wilsons Snipe (1
of 6), Herring Gull (2 of 5), FISH CROW (4 of 5), Horned Lark (4 of 5),
Red-breasted Nuthatch (3 of 5), Great Catbird (2 of 5), Palm Warbler (3 of
5), PINE WARBLER (4 of 5) and Common Grackle (2 of 5)
We set a few high counts consistent with other NC counts: 34 American Black
Duck, 272 Mallard, 19 Northern Shoveler, 20 Ring-necked Duck, 18
Pied-billed Grebe, 14 Red-shouldered Hawk, 63 Killdeer, 2 Eastern Screech
Owl, 5 Great Horned Owl, 6 Barred Owl, 26 Eastern Phoebe, 15 Brown Creeper,
3 House Wren, 17 Winter Wren, 166 Song Sparrow, 53 Swamp Sparrow, 51 house
Finch, 6 Purple Finch.
A few notable low counts: 7 Red-tailed Hawk, 1 Belted Kingfisher, 40
Carolina Wren, 5 Chipping Sparrow, 3 Fox Sparrow, 27 American goldfinch.
Thank you all for submitting your checklists through Ebird, it’s quirky for
some devices but a huge timesaver and just a few quick clicks to add
lists! I really liked seeing the totals rack up on count day, and to look
for misses.
Mark your calendars
Haw River Spring Bird Count, Saturday May 3, 2025
Haw River Butterfly Count Tuesday August 5, 2025
Haw River Christmas Bird Count Saturday, *tentative* December 31, 2025