Date: 1/14/25 12:24 pm
From: Brian Bockhahn (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...>
Subject: Dec 23 Pilot Mountain CBC results
The 10th Pilot Mountain Christmas Bird Count was held on Monday December
23, 2024 under clear skies with bone chilling temperatures 17-34 degrees,
but happily no wind.

18 observers in 9 parties tallied a record breaking 77 species (average
68.5 and just ahead of last years record of 76)

Trip report: Pilot Mountain Christmas Bird Count 2024-12-23 - eBird Trip
Report <;!!OToaGQ!pxRYy6docGOyGhPa07ag8DN7veoGce30L-Z3H4uuhYAt5n4SFiZ4Vv263rA6sC2WIf7vegeNnYSHEByc6WweL1tfR8s$ >

Nothing new to the cumulative list but found were our 2nd Gadwall over the
Ararat/Yadkin mouth at sunrise, our 2nd Merlin along US52, a flock of Rusty
Blackbird for our 2nd ever at Mt. Zion Church, and our 3rd American Pipit
along River Siloam Road.

Wood Duck and Mallard were missed which is a little surprising but we have
missed them when ponds freeze. Overall duck diversity was low. Other more
expected misses include Gray Catbird, Blue-headed Vireo, Palm Warbler and
Brown-headed Cowbird.

We set some new record counts with 9 Hooded Merganser, 3 sharp-shinned
hawk, 13 Red-shouldered Hawk, 4 American Woodcock, 56 Red-bellied
Woodpecker, 36 yellow-bellied sapsucker, 45 downy woodpecker, 4 house wren,
27 winter wren, 7 brown thrasher, 72 field sparrow, 11 fox sparrow, 299
dark-eyed junco, 506 white-throated sparrow, 184 song sparrow, 10 rusty
blackbird and 6 purple finch.

41 species have been seen on all 10 counts, which is a high number
considering weather, and it means everyone knows how to find birds in your

We tied mayo river on Dec 22 which also had 77 species, both ahead of
hanging rock's 58 species, but eclipsed by the newish Haw River count which
had 88 on Jan 4!

Mark your calendars for Pilot Mountain's

spring bird count May 1, 2025 (hanging rock april 30, mayo river may 2, haw
river may 3)

christmas bird count December 23, 2025 (hanging rock dec 17, mayo river dec
22, haw river Dec 31)

Brian Bockhahn

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