This is the 7th year for our Northwest Route, which is all north of Rt. 22, west of Rt. 66 and brushes the Allegheny River in the northwest corner of the County.
We had a late start as we waited out the morning snow flurries, which was followed by mostly blue skies. It was very nice to see two adult Bald Eagles at the Lower Burrell Township nest that is near the Allegheny River. Not a bad result today as our total of 21 raptors was right on the average for this Route.
County: Westmoreland
Name of route - Kuehl Northwest / PSO map number: 655
Date - January 13, 2025
Observers - Tom & Janet Kuehl
Survey time (minus breaks) : Hrs: 3 Mins: 53
Start/End: 11:30am / 3:33pm (10 minutes on breaks)
Approx. Miles on route: 56.3
Avg Temp.- 35F
Clear/Pt cloudy/Cloudy- (Mostly) Clear
Wind - Calm/Light/medium- Medium
Avg. Inches Snow cover- 6"
# Red-tails- 17
# Kestrels- TOTAL 1 (#M=1)-
# TVs- 2
# Red-shoulders - 1 Adult
# Bald Eagles- 2 Ad = 2
Our best non-raptor bird was a Hermit Thrush that was eating Privet berries. We also saw Eastern Bluebirds and Northern Mockingbirds.