Date: 1/13/25 10:35 am From: muchio7 via <muchio7...> Subject: Re: [labird] Howze beach intel
Hi Jed,
What I have done when there is bird E Howze Beach Rd. You can go down to
an old pier and walk the field + look to see what is in the lake. I also
have birded the lake behind the Harbor Center since there are sometimes
waterfowl in there. I would also be interested if there are some better
places to check out in the area. I also see a lot of observations and pins
from all over the area. A lot of it is neighborhoods or residential. What
I listed was the only place I found that I could get out and look around.
On Mon, Jan 13, 2025 at 12:16 PM feralbiologist via
<feralbiologist...> wrote:
> LaBirders,
> Seeking intel about where specifically people bird at
> Howze beach in St. Tammany. Map pins and/or detailed
> descriptions will be greatly appreciated. Please email me
> off-list if you can help: <feralbiologist at>.
> Thanks,
> Jed Pitre