Date: 1/12/25 9:46 pm
From: Erik Thomas (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...>
Subject: Raven Rock St. Pk. Christmas Bird Count, 2024
The 2024 Raven Rock St. Pk. Christmas Bird Count was held on Sat., December
14. We had 19 participants. We enjoyed good weather and compiled 85
species, which was slightly down from last year's 87 spp. but right on our
all-time average of 85, and 7847 individual birds, up from last year's 5867
and also higher than our all-time average of 6364, with counts dating back
to 1981.

We had one count-first species, three *Blue-gray Gnatcatchers* found
by Jeff Mielke. Another nice find was an Anhinga by Amber and Sandra
Williams. Seven species set count records, including 105 Least Sandpipers,
579 White-throated Sparrows, and a surprising 19 Red-headed Woodpeckers.

We always barely have enough participants, so if you live in the
Triangle or Fayetteville areas and can make it to the Lillington area,
please contact me. We'll probably be holding our Spring Count on Sat.,
April 26, and our next Christmas Count on the first Saturday of the count

Erik Thomas
Raleigh, NC

Erik Thomas

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