Date: 1/12/25 5:16 pm
From: Doug & Nina Harr <dnharr...>
Subject: [ia-bird] (no bird observation) Iowa Audubon Small Grant applications
Iowa Audubon is now open to accept applications for 5 small grants of up to
$1,000 each, anywhere in Iowa. Projects must apply to avian conservation,
habitat protection, research, or education. Applications may be from
individuals, conservation organizations, or conservation agencies. To find
information and application forms, go to our website's grant page link
at: *

Applications must be received by March 1, 2025, for the Iowa Audbon Board
of Directors to review and select this year's grants at our mid-March
meeting. Awards should be presented by about April 1.

Doug Harr
President & C.O.O.
[image: IowaAudubonLogoGIFlarge.jpg]

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