Just got back from looking for the Ft. Miller Taiga Bean-Goose with success. Saw it yesterday on Wall St. in Northumberland before I even got to my first location where it had last been reported on the river. I was driving east on King St. and saw a mob of birders looking at something in a field on the left and there it was. Great views with a scope but not good for photos, unfortunately. A much easier bird to find than the Tundra Bean-Goose years previously:-) I think it was just luck though running into the mob of birders. What a great bird to find as was the Tundra Bean-Goose when it showed up. Since I didn't get any photos yesterday of it I wanted to try and find it again, but like with the Tundra Bean I was at a loss after trying the N. River Rd. spot and several other places that had geese. Like last time a few other species of geese were found in the flocks of Canadas but not Taiga Bean. We had seven Snow Geese and a hybrid Ross's Goose at the N. River Rd. spot, but no others except the Canadas. Was hoping to maybe pull out another Pink-footed or White-fronted, but not to be:-)
Andrew BlockConsulting Naturalist
Yonkers, New York www.flickr.com/photos/conuropsis/albums
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