Date: 1/12/25 1:25 pm
From: Peggy Wang <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] Hoover & Alum Beach Sunday
I went looking for the Lesser Black-backed Gull & the Red-necked Grebe reported in recent days on ebird but dipped on both but I managed to add 4 birds to my Jan list: Bufflehead & Scaup sp (likely Lesser but way too distant in my scope to ID) at Alum Beach and American Wigeon & Pied-billed Grebe at Hoover where I also saw another Yellow-rumped Warbler & some bluebirds. Only gulls were Ring-billed, Bonaparte's & Herring plus 4 DC Cormorants. A couple adult Bald Eagles were mixing it up & also getting all the gulls in the air. While I was watching the show, I spotted another adult Bald Eagle perched in a tree.
Peggy WangGranville


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