Date: 1/11/25 9:29 pm From: Matthew Dodder via <mdodder...> Subject: [centralvalleybirds] Panoche Valley area today
I led a group from Santa Clara Valley Bird Alliance on a one-way tour through the Panoche Valley beginning from Hwy 5 today. There were many highlights and a full report with checklists will be posted on eBird soon but perhaps the best sightings were these:
Lark Bunting at the locked gate to the BLM road here: 36.712452, -120.862514
Mountain Plover (18) seen looking east from the corner of Recalde Road and Dan Berg Road here: 36.602374, -120.817109
Two Greater Roadrunners were seen along Panoche Road between the BLM lands and Shotgun Pass. We also saw 4-5 Ferruginous Hawks near the junction of Panoche Road and Little Panoche Road. Prairie Falcons were seen in various locations, but it was hard to tell how many individuals. No Vesper Sparrows or Mountain Bluebirds were located by our group, but there were countless numbers of Horned Larks, Lark Sparrows, and Savannah Sparrows.
Sorry for the abbreviated report, but I wanted to let folks know about the Lark Bunting and Mountain Plovers in particular. More details and photos will be posted on eBird soon.
All the best,
Matthew Dodder (he/him)
Executive Director
Santa Clara Valley Bird Alliance
22221 McClellan Rd.
Cupertino, CA 95014