Date: 1/11/25 2:00 pm From: Dave Weber via <dwbirdster...> Subject: [southbaybirds] Greater White-fronted Goose at Ed Levin Jan 11, but...
The Greater White-fronted Goose was still at Sandy Wool Lake in Ed Levin CP
this morning until about noon. As I was leaving, I saw the bird with two
Canadas circling high over the lake then heading northish, possibly to the
ponds on the private golf course. I would have gone there to check, but the
pass-through for Launch Site Rd was wrapped up in barbed wire. It may have
been put there by ranchers because of many cows in the hang-glider area, but
hang-gliders were landing and I have walked through many times with cows
present. Maybe some hang-glider enthusiast doesn't like walkers or perhaps
it is a prank. I told the attendant at the entrance station. She was unaware
and said she would notify a ranger. There were two female-type Hooded
Mergansers also on Sandy Wool Lake.
Do not disclose information that identifies the location of nesting birds of any species, to minimize stress on the nesting birds and the risk of vandalism or abuse.