Date: 1/11/25 4:34 am
From: Tom Fiore <tomfi2...>
Subject: [nysbirds-l] Manhattan, NYC - thru Fri., 1/10
Manhattan, N.Y. City - thru Friday, Jan. 10th -

The lingering Snow Goose chose the Harlem Meer in Central Park for most of Friday to spend some time on, thru Friday, 1-10. An Orange-crowned Warbler showed on Friday 1-10, for a group led by G. Willow at the C.P. Reservoir shore, also seen there later in the day.

As noted in the weekly NYC area RBA, a Dickcissel continued on towards passing six straight weeks at the same location in Riverside Park north, just south of tennis courts nearest to W. 119th St., and often but not always in the area of a small suet-feeder. Some patience can be needed at times for that bird.

Many other of the recent birds noted for Manhattan also have lingered.
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In New York County, a Long-tailed Duck was again reported off Governors Island, on Friday, 1-10.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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