Date: 1/10/25 9:39 pm
From: Robert O'Brien via Tweeters <tweeters...>
Subject: Re: [Tweeters] Robins and thrush
A couple of questions.
Interesting (to me anyway) that Varied Thrushes are around Seattle in the
summer? I had somehow assumed they all retired to the mountains to breed.
For instance, I live SE of Portland in a mixed Deciduous/near/Old Growth
Douglas Fir area and I've never seen or heard Varied Thrushes in the summer
in 50 years here. Lots of them pass through or winter, especially during
snowy/icy weather.. So I looked in eBird for July. There are a lot of
records for the greater Seattle area in July. I don't know how to search
for breeding records, although they might show up in an individual report.
Very tedious to search them all,individually.. So then I tried Macaulay
Bird Library where you can search for behaviors. But in this case I could
not select the record area for Seattler, it would accept Washington State
but not Seattle. Very tedious to search all of Washington State for Seattle
where undoubtedly Varied Thrush have records of breeding in the mountains.
This seems like a major defect in the systems. But perhaps I just don't
know how to do it. Thanks for any help.
Bob OBrien Portland

On Thu, Jan 9, 2025 at 7:45 PM Blythe Horman via Tweeters <
<tweeters...> wrote:

> Thanks Cindy! I’ve seen varied thrushes year round here in the Seattle
> area but only for the last 15 years or so. Before that, seeing them
> anywhere other than the mountains was rare.
> Best,
> Blythe Horman, Lynnwood
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