Date: 1/10/25 4:47 pm From: Andrew Ednie <000006be14ba5998-dmarc-request...> Subject: [de-birds] RBA: Birdline Delaware, January 10th, 2025
* Delaware * Statewide * January 10, 2025 * DEST 2025.01.10
*Birds mentioned BRANACLE GOOSE Brant Cackling Goose Mute Swan Tundra Swan Blue-winged Teal Gadwall American Wigeon Canvasback Ring-necked Duck Long-tailed Duck Common Eider Black Scoter Surf Scoter White-winged Scoter HARLEQUIN DUCK Common Goldeneye Common Merganser Hooded Merganser Red-breasted Merganser Ruby-throated Hummingbird Sandhill Crane Virginia Rail Clapper Rail American Coot American Avocet Black-bellied Plover Ruddy Turnstone Greater Yellowlegs Willet Lesser Yellowlegs Least Sandpiper Purple Sandpiper Wilson’s Snipe American Woodcock Black-headed Gull Bonaparte’s Gull Iceland Gull Lesser Black-backed Gull Glaucous Gull Horned Grebe Great Cormorant White Ibis Great Egret Short-eared Owl Northern Saw-whet Owl Common Raven Black-capped Chickadee Tree Swallow Red-breasted Nuthatch Brown-headed Nuthatch LAPLAND LONGSPUR Snow Bunting American Tree Sparrow Chipping Sparrow “Ipswich” Savannah Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow Baltimore Oriole Orange-crowned Warbler Black and White Warbler Common Yellowthroat Pine Warbler PAINTED BUNTING
Hotline: Birdline Delaware Date: January 10, 2025 To Report: Andy Ednie 302-792-9591 (VOICE) Compiler: Andy Ednie (<ednieap...>) Coverage: Delaware, Delmarva Peninsula, nearby Delaware Valley, Southern New Jersey, Maryland
For January 10th, this is Birdline Delaware from the Delaware Museum of Nature and Science in Greenville. The Birdline is the rare bird alert (RBA) for The First State sponsored by the Delaware Ornithological Society. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of our sponsors. The unofficial Delaware State Year List is currently at 157 species. Delaware had its first snow storm in 2 years on Monday, pushing birds to feeders throughout the state. Wilmington received only an inch but downstate was hit with 6-8 inches at the beach.
The previously reported male PAINTED BUNTING was seen last weekend in the West Rehoboth Beach area near the Rehoboth Elementary School from Schoolhouse Lane. Viewing is only from the street as this is a private residential area. The snow storm on Monday brought a female PAINTED BUNTING to a feeder near Magnolia, but again this is restricted access.
The Christmas Counts downstate produced numerous interesting sightings. A pair of female HARLEQUIN DUCKS were at Indian River inlet, along with BRANT, LONG-TAILED DUCK, RED-BREASTED MERGANSER, and all three SCOTERS, SURF, BLACK and WHITE-WINGED. PURPLE SANDPIPER, RUDDY TURNSTONE, GREAT CORMORANT, BONAPARTES and LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL were seen on the jetty. WHITE IBIS were seen at Savages Ditch and Fresh Pond in Delaware Seashore State Park. A RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH was found at 3R’s Road near Bethany Beach. BLUE-WINGED TEAL, MUTE SWAN and VIRGINIA RAIL was reported at Assawoman Wildlife Area.
A BLACK-HEADED GULL with several BONAPARTE’S GULLS and a CACKLING GOOSE was seen at the Wolfe’s Neck Water Treatment Plant at Midway from the Junction and Breakwater Trail. Back in Rehoboth, at Silver Lake there was a raft of 150 CANVASBACK and a few HOODED MERGANSERS. Three different ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLERS were reported near Rehoboth, at the Indian River Life Saving Station Museum, Bayside Tower Road south of Dewey Beach, and Mulberry Hill Road near Old Landing. PINE WARBLER and a PINE SISKIN were at a feeder on Angola Neck today.
A boat trip to the outer breakwater in Lewes found 3 female HARLEQUIN DUCKS, 10 COMMON EIDER, HORNED GREBE, GREAT CORMORANT plus PURPLE SANDPIPER and RUDDY TURNSTONE. Another PURPLE SANDPIPER was seen on the jetty at Herring Point in Cape Henlopen State Park on Sunday. BRANT, CANVASBACK, COMMON GOLDENEYE, and all three species of SCOTER plus SNOW BUNTING and “IPSWICH” SAVANNAH SPARROW were seen at Henlopen Point. Three species of NUTHATCH, RED-BREASTED, BROWN-HEADED and WHITE-BREASTED were seen at the Seaside Nature Center, along with CHIPPING SPARROW. A total of 9 PINE WARBLERS were found at Cape Henlopen on the Christmas count. WHITE IBIS, GREAT EGRET, VIRGINIA and CLAPPER RAIL were found at Gordon’s Pond. Three more ORANGE-CROWNS were found at Lewes, near the Seaside nature center, along the Gordon’s Pond trail, and at Red Mill Pond. The pair of overwintering RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRDS were also at this latter location. A pair of BALTIMORE ORIOLES were seen at a f! eeder near Love Creek.
The previously reported female HARLEQUIN DUCK was seen again at Mispillion Inlet from the Dupont Nature Center. Shorebirds seen included AMERICAN AVOCET, BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER and GREATER YELLOWLEGS. WILLET and AMERICAN WOODCOCK were seen at Prime Hook National Wildlife refuge. ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER and 14 TREE SWALLOWS were seen at Prime Hook Beach Road. A COMMON YELLOWTHROAT was seen along the Dike Trail. BROWN-HEADED NUTHATCH and PURPLE FINCH was seen at Little Neck Road. AMERICAN TREE SPARROW was reported at Fowlers Beach and WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW was reported near Milton. A NORTHERN SAW-WHET and SHORT-EARED OWL were reported at Prime Hook.
BROWN-HEADED NUTHATCH was found along the Big Stone Beach Road in Milford Neck Wildlife Area. A BLACK AND WHITE and another ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER were seen in a yard in Milford. That makes 9 ORANGE-CROWNS reported in Delaware this week, 20 years ago we didn’t get that many ORANGE-CROWNS per decade. PURPLE FINCHES and a female BALTIMORE ORIOLE was found coming to a feeder at Bryant’s Corner Road near Camden-Wyoming. A SHORT-EARED OWL was seen at Port Mahon. LAPLAND LONGSPURS with SNOW BUNTINGS and AMERICAN PIPIT were seen on Savannah Road north of the intersection with Silver Leaf Road south of Leipsic. COMMON GOLDENEYE was seen at the Port Mahon impoundment and CANVASBACK were seen at Pickering Beach.
The previously reported BARNACLE GOOSE and CACKLING GOOSE continues to be seen on Duck Creek north of Smyrna form the Route 13 bridge along with a COMMON RAVEN. SNOW BUNTING was reported along Whitehall Neck Road. SANDHILL CRANES continue to be seen at Bear Swamp in Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge. AMERICAN AVOCETS, BLACK-BELLIED, LESSER and GREATER YELLOWLEGS, LEAST SANDPIPER, and WILSON’S SNIPE were seen this week in the refuge. AMERICAN TREE SPARROW was photographed by Shearness Pool and PINE WARBLER was found near the visitor’s center.
Lots of sparrows, including WHITE-CROWNED and AMERICAN TREE SPARROW were seen at the maintenance sheds at Cedar Swamp Wildlife Area along with PURPLE FINCH. A BLACK-CAPPED CHICKADEE was found in Middletown off Carter Drive. A LONG-TAILED DUCK was seen flying over the Delaware River at the Green Tract in Augustine Wildlife Area. AMERICAN WIGEON, AMERICAN COOT, MUTE and TUNDRA SWAN were seen at the Canal Pond near Delaware City.
In northern Delaware, the bird survey at First State National Historical Park off Ramsey Road found GADWALL, COMMON MERGANSER, and COMMON RAVEN along the creek. AMERICAN PIPIT and CHIPPING SPARROW were seen in the fields near the parking lot. A WILSON’S SNIPE was found there today along the Brandywine Creek. A RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH continues to be found at the Top of the Hill Apartments off Priory Road near Silverside in Brandywine Hundred. RING-NECKED DUCKS were found at the pond along Clubhouse Road next to the Brandywine Town Center. ICELAND and GLAUCOUS GULL were seen along the Christiana River at Cherry Island Landfill. HOODED and COMMON MERGANSER were seen along the creek at Brandywine Park in downtown Wilmington. A HOODED MERGANSERS were seen on the Red Clay Creek at Auburn Valley State Park. An AMERICAN TREE SPAROW was seen from the bird blind at Ashland Nature center.
Thanks to the many people that make the Birdline possible including, Holly Kirkland, Ian Stewart, Ellie Gonzalaz Morales, Hank Davis, Ben Firies, Chris Hinkle, Art Zdancewic, Ken Bass, Brian McCaffrey, Sharon Dounce, Jay Mengel, Carter Chambers, Frank Rohrbacher, Jeff Climie, Karen Hockgraf, Karen and Chris Bennett, Anthony Gonzon, Andrew Albright, David Fees, Russ Kovach, Greg Gough, Sue Gruver, Richard Jullian, Alice Mohrman, Sally Fintel, Rob and Carol Blye, Ashley and Quinton Durden, Carolyn Holland, Declan and Amy O’Neil, Jim and Amy White, Jeff Gordon, Rod Murray, Kevin Bronson, Melissa Lafferty, Scott Northey, Wil and genie Martens, Alissa Kegelman, Mike Smith, Megan Kasprzak, John and Andy Dunn, Joe Francis, Mike Moore, Bruce Peterjohn, and Joe Swertinski. Birdline needs your sightings. Please call your reports into 302-792-9591 or email <ednieap...> Until next week, this is Andy Ednie wishing you good birding.