Date: 1/10/25 2:37 pm From: Bob Reiling via <rreiling2...> Subject: [southbaybirds] Continuing Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Thanks to Ed Reed who saw the juvenile YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER on Sunday (1/5/25) and who gave me excellent directions as to its location I had good views of the bird this morning (1/10) between 10:55 and about 11:20. The bird was in the middle of three adjacent trees in the northeaster corner of the eastern most Metcalf Motorcycle Park paved parking lot. Note the sapsucker holes on the main trunks at a height of about 7 to 10 feet. Unfortunately my photos are only of tree limbs. The park is closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and very busy on weekdays. As the trees of interest are adjacent to Metcalf Road one could hopefully safely view them from the roadside on the days the park is closed.
Take care,
Bob Reiling
Do not disclose information that identifies the location of nesting birds of any species, to minimize stress on the nesting birds and the risk of vandalism or abuse.