Date: 1/10/25 12:42 pm
From: mtove (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...>
Subject: Birding recommendation (beyond NC & SC)
Last month, there was a general inquiry on this site about recommendations
for birding to Antarctica.

I just returned from a 17 day cruise to South America & Antarctica on board
Sapphire Princess, a 1000' luxury cruise ship. Apart from the usual
amenities, the birding was excellent and for budget-minded travelers, at a
fraction of the more "adventuresome" trips (which I've also done). For
disclosure, I'm NOT employed by the cruise line and this is not a "crass
commercial" but it did provide an excellent opportunity to see an incredible
number of species not easily seen otherwise - certainly not at the far more
affordable rates - and at times, in mind-boggling numbers.

Anyone who is interested should contact me directly for details but as an
overview, I saw:

10 species of Albatross

13 species of Petrels, Prions, etc.

6 Penguins

5 Shearwaters

3 Storm-Petrels

1 Diving Petrel

6 Skuas & Jaegers

6 Whales

3 Dolphins

5 Seals

1 Sea Turtle

The only "downside" is there are no shore excursions in Antarctica but for
the price and the rest, it's well worth while.

Mike Tove

Cary, NC

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