Date: 1/10/25 5:18 am
From: Chris Barrigar <1chrisbarrigar...>
Subject: Swans at Binder Lake, Jefferson City, MO, Cole Co., 1/9/25
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Wednesday, I went to Binder Lake Park located in Jefferson City, MO to check on Ice coverage as well as the waterfowl occupying any open water there. The lake is about 85% covered with ice, and the waterfowl then (Wed.) was a nice blend of a few dabbler sp. and several diver sp. with 9 Trumpeter Swans present.

Last night (Thursday), I went to check again where earlier in the day a local friend (Bruce Berger) that walks the park daily had photographed and reported as many as 90 Trumpeter Swans. In one of his photographs, I saw a Tundra Swan barely in the edge of the frame. Upon arrival at the lake, I was able to confirm that there were 3 Tundra Swans among 90 Trumpeters Swans out in the middle of the lake on the ice. One Trumpeter Swan was wearing the collar [8L]. I'll turn this in to the USGS group. Scope is necessary to differentiate any finer details due to distance.

Wednesday afternoon, I thought I saw a male Greater Scaup but the wind and cold temps prevented me from non-shaking view of the bird coupled with the bird actively diving with limited time on the surface. Yesterday, with Peter Monacell and Brenda Morris, we believe there is at least a pair - male and female Greater Scaup present.

Also present yesterday were: Canvasbacks, Ring-necked Ducks, Ruddy, Mallards, Hooded Mergansers, Lesser Scaup, Canada Geese, Pied-billed Grebes, a few C. Goldeney, and the ever-present Mute Swans.

The gates are closed giving access to the center of the park via vehicle. Waterfowl are best seen from the boat ramp parking lot which can be accessed off Henwick Rd. Road conditions were clear YESTERDAY. I imagine that today will be a slick mess. Plan accordingly if you want to visit the lake to see what gems the open water holds today.

Bird on!

Chris Barrigar

Cole Co.
Russellville, MO

"I only went out for a walk, and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in." JOHN MUIR

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