Date: 1/9/25 7:56 am
From: MARGARET BAUER <margaretbauer09...>
Subject: Re: [IN-BIRD-L] Question about submitting bird observations
Indiana University (who hosts these listserves) has moved away from campus-based email addresses, including "", which had been specific to the Bloomington campus. Replacing that with "" works fine.
I hope this helps!

> On 01/09/2025 10:50 AM EST Greene, Terri B <tgreene...> wrote:
> Hello:
> Should we now use "<in-bird-l...>" and "<bloomington-birds-l...>” to submit our bird observations to the Indiana and Bloomington bird lists?
> I received a delivery error message yesterday when I attempted to submit to "<in-bird-l...>" and "<bloomington-birds-l...>”—but when I sent my email to "<in-bird-l...>" and "<bloomington-birds-l...>,” it seems to have worked.
> Terri Greene
> South of the IU Bloomington campus

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