Date: 1/9/25 3:57 am
From: Tom Fiore <tomfi2...>
Subject: [nysbirds-l] Manhattan, N.Y. City - thru 1/8 - Dickcissel, Snow Goose, Am. Woodcock, Pine Warbler, Rusty Blackbird, etc.
Manhattan, N.Y. City - thru Wed., Jan. 8th -

A long-staying Dickcissel in Riverside Park will have stayed over 40 days around one location there, just south of tennis courts nearest to West 119th St., just west of Riverside Drive and a bit down-slope from that Drive - it was seen and photod again on Wed., and has been irregular to nearly-regular in the vicinity of a small feeder with suet, and around that to an occasional distance of 50 yards or more, usually seen at or near the feeder, however when it is noticed. A fair variety of other birds are also regulars in that area, and sometimes that includes a Coopers Hawk. Others seen regularly there include Red Fox Sparrow, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, and Hermit Thrush as well as up to 1-dozen or more additional wild bird species.

A single Snow Goose has remained mainly in Central Park very recently, with change of location within that park being rather regular, lately from The Lake back up to the Harlem Meer and lawns right by that waterbody - as on Wed. 1-8, with stops in the C.P. reservoir also quite regular thru the past week. Other ducks also mainly remained in-place in Central including Green-winged Teals at The Pool, and Wood Ducks and all 3 Merganser species in the reservoir, as well as other ongoing regular duck species there and some in the other partly-frozen waterbodies.

American Woodcock turned up in several locations over the week so far, including at Union Square Park. These are likely still birds working their way out of more-frozen sites or localities. A few Red-shouldered Hawks have stayed in Manhattan thru the recent freezes, and showed in several locations to as recently as Wednesday. Coopers Hawks are being seen in many locations in Manhattan, easily well into double-digits over the length of this one island.

A Pine Warbler was ongoing at Central Park, lately moving about the southern parts of The Ramble and which at-last was at least briefly seen coming to nab a bite of suet in the Ramble feeder-array, Wed. morning. At the parks n. end, a Rusty Blackbird has lingered on. Over the first 8 days of this month, at Central Park, numbers of Common Grackles have continued, an influx that seemed to swell at or just-before the new year mark. There are some single flocks of multi-hundreds, still seen into Wed., 1-8 and some flocks were also far-larger as well as some quite a bit smaller, these flocks showing all around Central with a lot of roaming, all days with multiple to many observers. There also were very scant numbers of Brown-headed Cowbird and Red-winged Blackbird, and a few still around now.
. . .
The hen Wild Turkey some birders call -Astoria- was ongoing at Roosevelt Island, just east of Manhattan and part of the same New York County this week.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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