Date: 1/8/25 1:42 pm
From: Peggy Wang <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] Walnut Woods Tall Pines Wed
I saw both my target birds at this spot: Orange-crowned Warbler & Gray Catbird. The warbler came in v briefly to the suet cake but was quickly chased off by other birds incl starlings & I did not see it again while I was there. I saw it well but not long enough to get photos. I had excellent looks at the catbird as it perched by the trail as I was leaving.
The feeders were v active & colorful. Lots of nice sparrows: at least 4 Fox Sparrows, Am Tree Sparrows, a couple White-crowned as well as White-throated & Song. One female E Towhee. I was treated to a couple Purple Finches that came into the feeders as well including a bright male.
Saw some Black Vultures & a kestrel en route.
Peggy WangGranville


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