Date: 1/8/25 12:55 pm
From: Richard Bansberg <rbansberg...>
Subject: [AZNMbirds] San Pedro House Birding Walk
There were 11 participants at todays birding walk from the San Pedro House led by the Friends of the San Pedro River. 41 species were recorded, about average for this time of the year. While the quantity of birds was low due to the mild weather (overcast and 40 degrees at 8:00a and a balmy 41 degrees at 11:00), the quality of birds seen was quite high. We started the walk at the San Pedro House where all participants had great looks of a Harris’s Sparrow coming into the feeder at the front of the house. The Harris’s Sparrow was still present at the feeder, along with several Lark Sparrows, when we finished the walk.

We startled a Great Horned Owl as we scouted the river for the continuing Louisiana Waterthrush and ended up with great scope views and photographic opportunities of this cooperative bird. We continued the walk with stops at Kingfisher Pond (with sightings of Mexican Ducks and Mallards) and at Black Phoebe Pond where we added Ring-necked Duck and a Hooded Merganser to the list of waterfowl. On our way back to the San Pedro House we started to see more sparrow species as the sun started to poke out and we also came upon a small flock of Lazuli Buntings. All and all an enjoyable winter walk along the San Pedro River.

The Friends of the San Pedro River leads birding walks on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. During January and February there will also be walks on the fourth Saturday of month. The walks start at 8:00 am from the San Pedro House located south of Highway 90 just west of the San Pedro River. The walks last about three hours. Bring your own binoculars, a hat and water.

The next San Pedro House birding walk will be on Wednesday, January 22 at 8:00a.

Richard Bansberg
Friends of the San Pedro River
Hereford, Arizona

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