Date: 1/8/25 4:59 am From: Tim Hutson <hutsontb...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Yellow-bellied sapsucker
On Jan. 7 i was excited to see a yellow-bellied sapsucker in my yard on a large maple. It then came to my suet feeder. This was a first for me!
We moved to our new old house in august last year. I have been also been excited to see routine visitors like RT hummers last year. This winter in addition to the sapsucker and regulars like cardinals, bluejays, and chickadees, i have also had downy, and red-bellied woodpeckers, a flicker, eastern bluebird, Carolina wren, juncos, house sparrows, titmice, and of course starlings. One especially excitingly evening we had a flight of about 30-40 sandhill cranes flying over at about 100 feet! Their calls were so loud! I like our new house. :-)
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