Date: 1/7/25 2:22 pm
From: WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] Roadside birds on trip to see Lazuli Bunting
Saw some good birds on the drive to & from the bunting. Best was nice views of a light morph Rough-legged Hawk from Rt 33 between Lancaster & the Clear Creek MP turnoff. Other hawks were Red-tailed, Cooper’s plus a Black Vulture. Just as I was turning off Rt 32 to go to the bunting spot, an E Meadowlark flew up from the roadside. Also saw a few Horned Larks.

I stopped briefly at Snowden Lake on the way back but didn’t stay long because the wind had picked up and it was pretty chilly. An immature Bald Eagle flew over and a Belted Kingfisher was around. There were lots of mallards & a decent-sized group of Ring-necked Ducks plus a few Hooded Mergansers.

Peggy Wang
Sent from my iPad

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