Date: 1/7/25 9:32 am
From: anne davis <aiwdavis73...>
Subject: Re: Birds In Winter
Many thanks for the reminder, Jerry. We haven't met, but my friend, Kay,
has met you.
I really appreciate your posts!


On Tue, Jan 7, 2025 at 11:28 AM <jwdavis...> <jwdavis...>

> You have seen the forecast of snow and ice coming. This should be a
> reminder that in addition to your bird bath heaters, you need plenty of
> seeds and suet. There will be days you cannot go shopping and a big supply
> is needed. There will be situations that supply trucks cannot run. There
> will also be a seed shortage in some locations due to demand. Remember that
> ice and snow cover the seeds that have been cached by chickadees,
> nuthatches and others will not be accessible and without food and the cold
> demands, they can die. They need areas that are snow and ice free to feed
> and for you to provide accessible food. Have your brush piles, and nest and
> roost boxes available.
> The birds and other wildlife need your help. Don't be a wildlife slum
> lord.
> Life Is Better With Birds
> Jerry Wayne Davis
> Hot Springs, AR

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