Date: 1/6/25 9:12 am From: David Govatski <david.govatski...> Subject: [NHBirds] Evening Grosbeaks in Jefferson
I counted 58 Evening Grosbeaks in trees by our feeders this morning in Jefferson. That is a high count for here this winter. We now have five platform feeders out and I am refilling them twice a day. We started with three evening grosbeaks on December 20th and the numbers have grown steadily. Also have at least 70 American goldfinches, a brown creeper coming to the suet feeder, and red-breasted and white-breasted nuthatches, chickadees, and downy and hairy woodpeckers. The cone crop was poor this year and we don’t see a lot of birds out in the woods but feeders are active with birds.
I have enjoyed reading the new Stokes Guide to Finches of the United States and Canada by Lillian Stokes and Matt Young. This is a remarkable in depth guide for learning about our finches. The guide also covers vagrant finches, Hawaii Honeycreepers, conservation, research, and winter feeding. Kudos to the authors.