Date: 1/5/25 8:46 pm
From: henry detwiler (via aznmbirds Mailing List) <aznmbirds...>
Subject: [AZNMbirds] Southern Arizona Birds
Greetings Birders,
On January 1, Nick and Linda and I headed north to the Bill Williams NWR. We spotted RED-THROATED LOON, GREATER SCAUP, BARROW'S and COMMON GOLDENEYES, and both COMMON and RED-BREASTED MERGANSERS. On the way back south we spent a while at the Ahahkav Tribal Preserve, where we watched a squadron of VERMILION FLYCATCHERS, a GRAY FLYCATCHER, three HOODED MERGANSERS, a PEREGRINE FALCON, an adult BALD EAGLE, and a flock of dozens of WHITE-THROATED SWIFT.
On January 3, I re-located the continuing, juvenile YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER at the Yuma West  Wetlands.
On January 4, Franc and Carol and I went to Mittry Lake and soon had the RED-THROATED LOON found by Andy & Ellen the previous morning. At Hidden Shores we heard and turned up a male YELLOW WARBLER. Not surprisingly, we did poorly with the rails, hearing only one BLACK RAIL growl and a SORA squeak.
This morning (Jan 5) I headed east to the Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Preserve. Five hours later I was there, and saw the continuing tiny WINTER WREN.  At the Patons, the FOX SPARROW was scratching next to one of the brush piles, and a handsome adult RED-NAPED SAPSUCKER was feeding on one of the trees.
eBird reports with photos:<domain...>
Good Birding!Henry D. <Detwilerhenry_detwiler...>, AZ
Finding Birds in Southwest Arizona<domain...> Birds at the Salton Sea and in Imperial County,<domain...>

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