Date: 1/2/25 7:25 am From: Jason Forbes <jason...> Subject: [Arlington Birds] Snow Goose (Geese?)
The Snow Goose was on Spy Pond around 8 this morning. It flew off with a few Canadas around 8:20, circling once then appearing to head west. I continued to the Mystic Lakes where there was a Snow Goose sitting at the bend of the river at the south end. DJ Nyochio had waved me over but had also just arrived so we don't know if it had flown in just then. Presumably the same but I'll try to compare pictures later.
Other birds including the pintail, hundreds of Common Mergansers at both, one Great Cormorant on the docks, and a few Ring-necks. No shoveler (or any birds along the driveway to the dam).
-- Jason Forbes Waltham, MA <jason...>