Date: 1/1/25 11:08 pm
From: Putah Creek CBC Compiler - Wickel via <yoloauduboncapc...>
Subject: [centralvalleybirds] Putah Creek CBC 2024 Summary
Putah Creek CBC 2024 Summary

Bart Wickel - Davis, CA

The 54th edition of the Putah Creek Annual Christmas Bird Count, supported
by the Yolo Bird Alliance (formerly Yolo Audubon) was held on December 15,
2024. This count has been held every year since 1971. This year all count
results were entered in eBird. Our count circle with a diameter of 15 miles is
centered on the bridge at Lake Solano, and covers parts of Yolo, Solano and
Napa County.

This year we had a record breaking participation with 102
participants. Participants
were distributed over 10 areas with 40 teams and led by experienced

Weather: Parts of the count circle were covered in fog at the beginning of
the day and clear skies at higher elevations. Conditions on the count day
were pleasant with temperatures ranging from 36 to 52 degrees, partial high
cloud cover and with low winds from the NE (up to 9 mph).

Highlights: This year we tied with the 2001 record of 147 species. By far
the most stunning bird was a Cassin's Kingbird, found by the team in Area
6. We also had our first Thayer’s Gull.

High counts: Cackling Goose (35), California Quail (998), Say's Phoebes
(99), Lewis’s Woodpecker (226), Horned Lark (1119), Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
(17), Sora (17), Great Horned Owl (156).

West-Nile Virus recovery: After a decade of constant decline numbers of
Yellow-billed Magpie (153) and Loggerhead Shrike (26) are finally coming
back with both species close to a doubling in numbers over 2023. Both
species were heavily affected by the West Nile Virus in the past.

Fire recovery: While observing the impacts of the LNU Lightning Complex
mega-fire, which burned approximately 60% of the count circle in August
2020, we continue to see sustained low numbers of Canyon Wrens (1),
California Thrashers (3). Wrentits (47) however seem to be making their
continued comeback at higher elevations compared with 11 in 2021, 16 in
2022 and 25 in 2023. Another species that was absent from the count circle
after the fires until last year, when the first one was seen again, was the
Pileated Woodpecker (4).

Waterfowl: Waterfowl numbers continued to be low, likely due to the mild
conditions farther north. Green-winged Teal, Ring-necked Duck, Lesser
Scaup, American Wigeon, Common Merganser, Ruddy Duck, American Coot
continued at historically low numbers. We did observe record numbers of
Mallard (308) though.

Owling: Historically our count circle has led the nation in record high
numbers for Great-horned Owls during CBCs. Given concerns about potential
double counting, we are following a rigorously laid out protocol that makes
sure this doesn’t happen. This year we continued shattering our previous
all time records of Great-horned Owls (156). Unlike the past year when we
saw record numbers of Barn Owls and Western Screech-Owls this year we did
not come close at all. One explanation could be the rain in the past days
which resulted in the creeks of Gates, Mix and other canyons flowing at
full force and producing a lot of noise, muting calls. Another explanation
could be that during full moon many Owl species tend to vocalize less.

Our eBird TRIP REPORT <> with 193
checklists for the day provides a more detailed overview of the species
that were counted. Note that some species counts have been adjusted in the
final compilation due to overlapping observations by different areas. As a
result the numbers on eBird differ from the final tally submitted to the
Audubon CBC portal.

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