Date: 1/1/25 5:19 pm From: 'Glen Tepke' via mbbirds <mbbirds...> Subject: [MBBIRDS] Fwd: [pen-bird] Help with ID-ing hawk
Forwarding this post from the Pen-Bird list to the Monterey Bay Birds
list because the location of this interesting hawk seems to be in Santa
Cruz Co. Just the messenger.
Glen Tepke
Santa Cruz
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [pen-bird] Help with ID-ing hawk
Date: Wed, 01 Jan 2025 16:57:19 -0800
From: Karen Moody - Santa Cruz Mts via
Reply-To: <moodykmz3...>
To: <peninsula-birding...>
In the Santa Cruz mountains, a few miles south of Castle Rock SP.
I've seen this hawk 4 times in the last 2 days. All Black Buteo shaped,
with broad wings. Overall it was somewhat smaller than the Turkey
Vultures. It had a very clear and well defined single white band on
tail. Band was near the Middle of the tail, with black on either side.
Viewed from below the wing flight feathers were lighter shade of gray,
similar to TV and when observed through binoculars faint banding was
visible on them, similar to a juvenile Red Tailed Hawk but much more
muddy shades of grey. It had very bright yellow legs with no feathers on
them, and bill was also very bright yellow. Legs and bill were so bright
they were visible without binoculars similar in color to fresh yellow
road lines. I heard it call once, screeching high pitch repeated several
times, but not as high pitched or whiney sounding as Peregrine Falcon.
Hoping to get has been hanging out with our local TVs.
Thanks for any ideas, thoughts and what else I should be looking for if
I see it again.
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