Date: 12/22/24 8:11 pm
From: Michael Woodruff via Inland-nw-birders <inland-nw-birders...>
Subject: [inland-NW-birders] Cheney CBC
This year marked the 7th year for Cheney Christmas Bird Count. As has been
the case in other CBC circles, warm weather brought some interesting
patterns this year, with plenty of open water, quite high numbers of ducks,
some lingering species, but also a few species that just weren't in the
area this year or at very low numbers (only 2 robins, no waxwings, no
Rough-legged Hawks). Red Crossbills and Red-breasted Nuthatches were
abundant. We had a cold windy start to the day but by the end of the day
it had mostly cleared and mostly calmed. For the first time, no snow at
all was on the ground.

We had 71 species for the count, tying the previous best. In addition there
were 2 count week species (Evening Grosbeak, Ruby-crowned Kinglet). We had
31 observers who put in 83.75 party hours, driving 496 miles and walking
25. Three of us went owling for a total of 9.75 hrs effort. We tallied
10,436 individual birds this year.

New species for the count:
Eared Grebe - 3 on Silver Lake
Barred Owl - 1 found by Sandy Schreven
White-crowned Sparrow - a flock at feeders by Bea Harrison
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - count week bird found by Jared Peck

High counts:
Trumpeter Swan - 49
Northern Shoveler - 47
Gadwall - 99
American Wigeon - 90
Northern Pintail - 9
Green-winged Teal - 43
Ring-necked Duck - 69
Bufflehead - 61
Rock Pigeon - 260
Western Grebe - 6
Northern Saw-whet Owl - 4
American Crow - 74
Red-breasted Nuthatch - 207
Brown Creeper - 2
Varied Thrush - 3
Red Crossbill - 463
Red-winged Blackbird - 920
Brown-headed Cowbird - 3

Being a relatively new count, it is exciting to see what turns up each
year, with the total number of species seen during the count now at 103.
Some of the areas of the count include fairly rich areas for birding
(Silver Lake, Granite Lake, Turnbull NWR, Slavin Ranch), while large parts
of the circle are relatively uninteresting pine woods and scablands. But
those teams assigned to the less interesting parts still put in their best
efforts. All are appreciated!

Good birding!
Michael Woodruff
Spokane, WA
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