Date: 12/21/24 7:08 pm From: Don & Janis Paseka via <paseka76...> Subject: [NEBirds] Ames CBC
The 19th Ames CBC was done on Wednesday December 18th. By the numbers, it was a fairly typical count with 63 species and 9,112 individuals, but many of the usual species were hard to find or absent. The highlight was definitely the first Red-shouldered Hawk which was found at the Fremont State Lakes.
Fifteen species of waterfowl were observed which is three more than the previous high number. Ring-necked Duck and Common Merganser set new high counts, while Green-winged Teal, Northern Shoveler, Redhead and Hooded Merganser numbers tied with previous high counts.
Bald Eagle and American Kestrel set new high counts of 98 and 15 respectively. Singles of Short-eared Owl, Red-headed Woodpecker and Pileated Woodpecker tied with previous high counts as did the three Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers.
Notable misses were: Northern Bobwhite, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Kinglets, Longspurs, Yellow-rumps, and any sparrows other than Tree, Harris's and a single Song Sparrow.
If anyone would like a full list of species and numbers, I would be glad to share them.
My thanks goes out to all the participants and the landowners who allow us access to their property.