Date: 12/13/24 1:47 pm
From: John Liller <stanager44...>
Subject: [MASSBIRD] Flint Pond (Shrewsbury) on 12/13/24
Kim and I checked out Flint Pond in Shrewsbury this morning, both from
Edgemere and from Creeper Hill Road. Here is what we recorded

Canada Goose 13
Mute Swan 2
Mallard 26
Northern Pintail 14 (huge group of both males and females feeding)
Hooded Merganser 74
Common Merganser 58
Ring-billed Gull 24
Belted Kingfisher 1
American Crow 1

Northern Pintail 3 (all males)
Hooded Merganser 16
Great Blue Heron 5
Blue Jay 1
Song Sparrow 1
Northern Cardinal 1

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