Date: 12/11/24 6:12 pm
From: Daniel Kerr <dkerr...>
Subject: Prairie Falcon, Merlin & a few questions for the board...
Good evening all,

Reporting here tonight from Bourbon County. A late afternoon drive around
the circuit of Lake Fort Scott, Hollister and Elm Creek Lake yielded a
Prairie Falcon and two Merlins per the following eBird report:

Two things have recently happened here: 1) the birding bug has re-infected
me in a delightful way and 2) I have acquired a decent telescopic-lens
camera. I'm an amateur so the photos aren't great but it has at very least
given me a bit of confidence to report some birds whereas in the past I
have been plagued by doubt (i.e. did I really see what I thought I saw?!).

I have a couple of questions I hope my far more seasoned compatriots across
the Kansas birding sphere can help me with:

1. Does anyone have recommendations on how I should approach the Neosho
Wildlife area around St. Paul? I went down there a week ago and was
overwhelmed by the size and scope of the place. Birds everywhere. A lot
of duck hunters and I felt a bit sheepish plunging into any one area
because of the abundance of hunters.
2. My top life-list bird is the Ferruginous Hawk. I would like to plan
a trip out west and I'd love to hear from you all about where I should go.
I'm getting the hang of eBird and it seems like the Cimarron Grasslands
area near Elkhart is a prime spot. Where else?

Thank you all, I hope and plan to be much more active in reporting birds
here in SE Kansas in the months and years ahead.

Duc in altum,

*Daniel Kerr*
President, St. Martin's Academy
c: 620.224.8110

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