Date: 12/9/24 12:49 pm From: Brooke Miller via <brooke.bam...> Subject: [southbaybirds] November 2024 Cumulative Bird Report - Santa Clara County
Happy Holidays, South Bay Birders,
For November we had a total of 5 new species, bringing us to 289 species at
the end of November. The average for November is 3, and the average total
is 284. Thank you to everyone who birded, and took the time to report birds
either on SBB, eBird, or send emails directly to me.
The 5 new birds seen in November are as follows:
1. Mountain Bluebird (6), 11/3/2024, 4 birds seen by Howard Friedman
and Melissa Johnson along Laguna Avenue in Coyote Valley
2. Chestnut-collared Longspur (6), 11/9/2024, found by Steve
Rottenborn at Byxbee Park
3. Franklin’s Gull (5), 11/12/2024, found by Mark Zdeblick at Byxbee
4. Short-eared Owl (4), 11/12/2024, seen by Tricia Gardner at Byxbee
5. Common Tern (4), 11/16/2024, found by Lawrence Seeberger at
Crittenden Marsh (Stevens Creek Nature Study Area)
As a reminder, here is what each rarity code means:
**Rarity Codes:
1 = common, always seen in habitat in season.
2 = fairly common, usually in habitat in season, but missed sometimes.
3 = uncommon, always around, but sometimes you can't find.
4 = rare, occurs yearly in the county, but not always in same places.
5 = very rare, does not occur every year.
6 = casual or vagrant, generally fewer than 10 records.
Do not disclose information that identifies the location of nesting birds of any species, to minimize stress on the nesting birds and the risk of vandalism or abuse.