Date: 12/9/24 8:21 am
From: Peter Saracino <petersaracino...>
Subject: Re: [cayugabirds-l] Montezuma Sandhill Cranes continue at Mucklands
Awesome Dave. On our Cayuga Bird Club trip to Johnson Rd this past Saturday
we were greeting with a nice surprise - a flyover flock of 50-60 cranes.
Pete Sar

On Sat, Dec 7, 2024, 10:39 PM Dave Nutter <nutter.dave...> wrote:

> On November 26th Pete Saracino reported 323 Sandhill Cranes at the
> Montezuma NWR Visitor Center, but in the following days they seemed to
> disappear. On November 29th I saw none at the VC nor along the Wildlife
> Drive and only 15 at Knox-Marsellus. On November 30th, the last day the
> Wildlife Drive was open, I saw no cranes in any of these places, so I
> thought they must have migrated en masse, even though in the last few years
> many have stayed until or into January.
> I was mistaken, because until today I hadn’t checked the Mucklands, either
> on eBird or in person. On December 5 Jane Graves and Alison Van Keuren
> reported 300 Sandhill Cranes at the Mucklands, and yesterday Donna Carter
> estimated 350 Sandhill Cranes there in a large crowd. Today (December 7)
> Ann Mitchell & I stopped at the intersection of NYS-89 & NYS-31 at the west
> end of the Mucklands and were astonished at the number of Sandhill Cranes.
> For us, the cranes were spread out along various ditches, allowing me to
> count them pretty accurately in a single scope sweep of our view south of
> NYS-31. My total was 418 Sandhill Cranes. This large number has caused
> eBird to hesitate to include my report in the database yet, but I’d like to
> spread the word.
> - - Dave Nutter
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