Date: 12/9/24 5:11 am
From: Mark Howery <mark.howery...>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: [OKBIRDS] Oklahoma CBC's List

The Norman Christmas Bird Count will be Sunday, December 29, 2024 and is organized by the Cleveland County Audubon Society. I'm the compiler and can be reached at <mkhowery...> for more information.

Thank you Jimmy for starting this thread, and thank you Jeff for posting the link to the National Audubon Society's CBC page (and reminding me to enter the count date on Audubon's website!).

From: okbirds <OKBIRDS...> on behalf of Jeff Cox <jeffacox54...>
Sent: Sunday, December 8, 2024 7:07 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [OKBIRDS] Oklahoma CBC's List

If you are interested in joining a Christmas Bird Count in your area (or some remote area!), you can visit the Christmas Bird Count website run by the National Audubon Society for more information:;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!-9f5-R4vI9bKSeLvON4hDPNcc3lUizOgRq9qlbVYiYuyg5XiuOADElYtjU6MW7H3ViBAqJ59SJR0JRMtdh1mfLbLwn2B$ [audubon[.]org]<;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!-O-44iOfGaMHPjapvrPXEtmIIQQIlFCO8uFtsC4fVlf08MNeE2EQbGOmPMU9re-ZdHqgXk3t4AMSHZU_NN6BRg$>

Click where it says “Click here” for a map; zoom in to Oklahoma (or whatever state or country you are interested in) and you’ll see a circle for each count; click on the circle and you can see the date (if it has been entered) and the compiler contact information. (I urge other compilers to make sure they have already entered the count date and contact information!)



Jeff Cox

918-629-2140 (call or text)

From: okbirds <OKBIRDS...> On Behalf Of Jimmy Woodard
Sent: Sunday, December 8, 2024 2:05 PM
To: <OKBIRDS...>
Subject: [OKBIRDS] Oklahoma CBC's List

Here is a list of CBC’s I’m aware of right now:

December 14th……OKC. Compiler Jimmy Woodard.

December 14th……Tulsa. Compiler Jeff Cox, <jeffacox54...>

December 15th……Tishomingo NWR. Compiler Justin Roach.

December 27th……Duncan. Compiler Kurt Meisenzahl. <meisenzk...><mailto:<meisenzk...>. 580-353-3962.

December 30th……Ft Gibson. Compiler Nadine Varner. <gallinuleofpurple...><mailto:<gallinuleofpurple...>. 405-370-5076. Leave a message.

January 3rd………..Arnett. Compiler Bill Diffin. <WilliamDiffin...><mailto:<WilliamDiffin...>. 405-596-3890.

January 4th………..Cimarron Grasslands/Elkhart, KS. Compiler Max Thompson. <maxt...><mailto:<maxt...>. 620-229-3876.

Please feel free to add to this list. Thanks.

Jimmy Woodard

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