Date: 12/8/24 5:40 pm
From: James Pike via <jimpike444...>
Subject: [OrangeCountyBirding] Santa Ana River mouth
I didn't see any goldeneyes when walking the loop from Hamilton to PCH this
afternoon, but did see a female Canvasback among the scaups. Two adult
Yellow-crowned Night-Herons roosting at the water's edge of the wetlands
bordering the oil property on the east side of the river were new to my
(nonexistent) SARM list. Surprisingly, another eight yellow-crowns were in
Victoria pond to the north (two adults and six molting juveniles). One of
the distant immatures seemed to have a less bulbous bill and warrants
better photographs for examination. Lastly, protracted pishing from the
bike path at the southwest corner of the pond lured an unseen but calling
Northern Waterthrush into the nearby myaporums and willows.

Jim Pike

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