Date: 12/8/24 1:40 pm
From: Hawkcount.Org Reports <reports...>
Subject: Allegheny Front (08 Dec 2024) 3 Raptors
Allegheny Front
Central City, Pennsylvania, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Dec 08, 2024

Species Day's Count Month Total Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
BV 0 0 20
TV 0 0 280
OS 0 0 70
BE 0 1 306
NH 0 0 54
SS 0 0 868
CH 1 1 134
AG 0 0 0
RS 0 0 34
BW 0 0 5310
RT 0 10 936
RL 0 1 2
GE 2 3 168
AK 0 0 74
ML 0 0 16
PG 0 0 21
UA 0 0 9
UB 0 0 27
UF 0 0 13
UE 0 0 2
UR 0 0 27

Total: 3 16 8371

Observation start time: 11:00:00
Observation end time: 14:30:00
Total observation time: 3.5 hours

Official Counter: Jim Rocco



Winds out of the WNW. Temperature went from 4.8 to 7 C.
Cloud cover 0% to 20%. Visibility clear up to 32 km.

Raptor Observations:
3 raptors counted 1 coopers hawk and 2 Golden eagles both adults at 11:35
and 11:49.

Non-raptor Observations:
1 porkepine. Downy woodpecker, crows, tufted titmouse,
juncos, black capped chicadees, white breasted nuthatches,
blue jays, red breasted nuthatch, bluebirds, ravens, brown creeper.

Report submitted by Jim Rocco (<jd.jh.rocco...>)

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