Observation start time: 08:00:00 Observation end time: 16:00:00 Total observation time: 6.5 hours
Compiler: Bracken Brown
Visitors: 2
Weather: Partly cloudy becoming overcast by noon with West wind starting 10-15mph dropping to 0 in the afternoon.
Raptor Observations: Local red-tailed hawks and large northbound accipiter diversified the local vulture and bald eagle movements.
Non-raptor Observations: Several flocks of geese moving through in the morning, otherwise very quiet day on the lookout.
Predictions: Sunny high of 48 with west wind 10-15 gusting to 30 could encourage some migrants ======================================================================== Report submitted by Laurie Goodrich (<goodrich...>) Hawk Mountain Sanctuary information may be found at: http://www.hawkmountain.org/