Date: 12/6/24 12:24 pm From: Ragupathy Kannan <0000013b0ad14faf-dmarc-request...> Subject: Belize tropical biology nature tour for the AAST
Folks, for several years, we have had successful fund raising nature and birding tours for the Arkansas Audubon Society Trust. We have raised nearly $20,000 for the trust doing these tours. Many AR-birders have enjoyed these tours. So, please consider joining us for some great food and fun in a tropical paradise.
I hereby announce this year's family-friendly and relaxing tour to Belize. Itinerary below. Price will be $2,000 plus air, including a donation to the AAST. Participants must be avid birders or naturalists and must be in good health for field trips in hot and humid conditions. Travel insurance is strongly recommended. If interested, please contact me offline at <ragupathy.kannan...>
12 MAY. We meet our local guides at Belize Cityairport and travel up the Northern Highway to Crooked Tree village, right bythe famous water bird sanctuary named after the village. There will be birdingstops on the way as we pass by the lush tropical countryside. Evening outinginto the savannahs will target the cooperatively breeding Yucatan Jays, AniCuckoos, and Acorn Woodpeckers. A short night walk will focus on reptiles and amphibians. Dinner and overnight atBird’s Eye View Lodge at Crooked Tree. Dinner included.
13 MAY. Early morning nature walks at Crooked TreeWildlife Sanctuary. Water birds will be our main target, with special emphasison Jabiru Storks, Wood Storks, Roseate Spoonbills, Jacanas, and Snail Kites.After late breakfast we leave for the Community Baboon Sanctuary in the villageof Bermudian Landing to see the rare Black Howler monkeys. This village is thesite of a world-famous grassroots monkey conservation project which involvescooperation from dozens of local villages. Pack lunch will be catered by local villagers. Tonight, we check into ourcabanas at Crystal Paradise Resort near the village of Cristo Rey south of thetown of San Ignacio near the Guatemalan border. Overnight at Crystal ParadiseResort. All meals included.
14 MAY. After breakfast and an early morning naturewalk, we will canoe 8 kms down the Macal River for a thorough census andinventory of all wildlife. We will view sunning Iguanas or an array of birdsincluding kingfishers and wood-rails. Proboscis bats and Howler monkeys may beamong the mammal fauna encountered. See birds seen and photographed during one of our previous river trips. This afternoon we will visitthe local Cristo Rey school to interact with the children and donate schoolsupplies. Overnight at Crystal Paradise Resort. All meals included.
15 MAY. After nature walk and breakfast, we drive 45minutes to the famous 2000-year-old Mayan ruins of Xunantunich. The partiallyexcavated, largest pyramid, El Castillo, stands 130 feet above the main plazafloor, offering commanding views of the tropical forests and nearby Guatemala.Hiking up to the top is an option, and the view from there makes the effortworthwhile. El Castillo is famous for its friezes, which are banded stuccodecorations. An impressive museum displays a three-dimensional model of theentire site and traces the evolution of the Maya civilization. Those opting out of the ruin hike will go on a birding walk in the woods surrounding the area. Before lunch atthe resort, we have the option to stop for an hour at a local roadside tortileria to learnhow to make your own tortilla. Overnight at Crystal Paradise Resort. All mealsincluded.
16 MAY. Freeday for doing optional birding trips at your expense. Possibilities include Blue Hole National Park or El Pilar, either of which can adddozens of birds to your list. Cost expected around $100, payable directly tothe resort. Those who opt out can stay at the resort and enjoy the wildlife inthe area. Overnight at Crystal Paradise Resort. Breakfast and dinner included.Lunch on your own.
17 May. After the daily early morning nature walk andbreakfast, we board vans and do a daytrip to the Mountain Pine Ridge. This pinetree-dominated forest is more than just a vast wooded area: we will exploredeep ravines, traverse dramatic granite expanses atop the Maya Mountains, andobserve meandering rivers, streams, waterfalls, and pools amid the sweetfragrance of the evergreens. We will focus on conservation efforts aimed at therare Orange-breasted Falcons which nest on cliffs in the 1600-ft Falls. We willalso learn about the devastation caused by pine-borer beetles to thisecosystem. You may get a chance for a refreshing dip by the waterfalls.Overnight at Crystal Paradise Resort. All meals included, including a picniclunch by the rapids.
18 May. After nature walk and breakfast, we pack upall our belongings and check out of Crystal Paradise Resort. We head towardBelize City and on the way, spend a few hours at the world-famous Belize Zoo,which houses only native animals of Belize. Near the zoo, we briefly inspectthe tropical pine savanna habitat (where Prof. Kannan studied birds and theirhabitat extensively in the past). Those opting out of the zoo trip will go birding to the nearby Sibun River, where we can possibly see endemics like Blue Seedeater. We lunch at a picnic spot next to the zoo,after which we head to Belize City to catch the water taxi (a powerful ferry)for the 1-hr ride to Caye Caulker. Overnight at a hotel in CayeCaulker. Breakfast and Lunch included. Dinner on your own.
19 MAY. Pre-breakfast birding and nature walk to thesand spits and mangrove forests where we look for birds such as willets,plovers, sandpipers and other shorebirds and water birds. Also, this is anexcellent chance to see the endemic Black Catbird and the rare Rufous-neckedWood-rail amongst the mangrove vegetation. We will also find Frigate Birds (Mano’ War birds) and Brown Pelicans flying over the sea. Anoles lizards, Boa constrictors, and other herps are apossibility. After breakfast we will be taken by boat for snorkeling at theCaye Caulker Marine Reserve, where we will be treated to spectacular sights ofmarine life. Fish fauna may include large groupers, nurse sharks, sting rays,moray eels, and flounders, dominated by a spectacular array (17 species lastyear) of colorful coral reef fish. Depth is between 5-30 feet and visibility isusually excellent. Floatation devices (mandatory even if you know swimming!)and all snorkeling gear will be provided. Sunscreen usage amust. Overnight at a hotel in Caye Caulker. Breakfast and lunch included.Dinner on your own.