Date: 12/5/24 4:23 pm From: Marla Mitchell <marla.mitchell...> Subject: [GABO-L] Young Bald Eagle and Wild Turkey
Apparently my 2 dogs, a Boston Terrier and a Yorkie thwarted an immature Bald Eagle's attempt to get a Wild Turkey. I was shocked to see the young huge Bald Eagle ( yes I know what they look like) fly by very close to me and into a tree in our fenced in backyard. He didn't stay long because I was there. There was a group of Wild Turkey in my of about 8 to 10 Wild Turkey at least maybe a few more. I was surprised to see as well. They just went back to foraging lol. Apparently they knew my little dogs wouldn't bother them. I am just thankful that the Eagle didn't go after my dogs. Actually scared me at first that the Eagle may have been going after my dogs. Mrs. Marla Mitchell , Stockbridge, Ga
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