Date: 12/2/24 6:40 pm
From: Timothy Steurer via <tsteurer1956...>
Subject: Re: [Mendobirds] Elk - Dickcissel continues
Dickcissel continues today in Elk but still no tree sparrow. Also had the Lucy’s Warbler about 2 pm at the bottom of the hill from the Princess parking lot in Noyo Harbor. Thanks Peter for the spot. It was with the usual warblers.
> On Dec 1, 2024, at 6:12 PM, Timothy Steurer via <tsteurer1956...> wrote:
> The Dickcissel and White-throated Sparrow were still in the same spot north of the parking lot today, in Elk, Sunday afternoon. The female Barrow’s Goldeneye was still in the second pond off the beach at the creek mouth below. No sign of the American Tree Sparrow.
>> On Nov 28, 2024, at 2:15 PM, George Gibbs via <ggibbs...> wrote:
>> This morning about 8:30 I re-found the Dickcissel associating with sparrows in the coyote bush and other scrubby vegetation on the West side of the highway, generally west of the Elk Garage (North of the parking lot for the beach).
>> Good Birding
>> George Gibbs
>> Ukiah

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